Hot Rod Takes Special Notice of Billings’ Bike Culture and Reflects On His Midlife Crisis
Since my family and I moved to Billings a couple of weeks ago, I've noticed something major here. Bikes, Bikes and then even more bikes.
I'm a Harley Davidson guy, have been as long as I can remember. The look, the sound, the smell, the feel and, of course, that unmistakable logo. After all, my favorite show of all time is Sons Of Anarchy.
Just over three years ago, I had saved up enough money to buy my first Harley. It was one of the most exciting and proudest moments of my life. I had that bike for three months before I have to sell it.
My wife was driving our SUV when she run off the road, causing her to roll and be thrown from the vehicle. She broke her back, neck, ribs and face. Needless to say, we needed major financial help -- and fast -- to cover medical costs.
It meant my bike had to go.
I was more than happy to sell it for the love of my wife. We needed her to be OK much more than I needed to ride. I've never regretted that decision. I would have done anything for her well-being.
Fast forward three years. She is doing great and just by looking at her, you wouldn't even know that tragicday happened.
As we drive around town, we've seen some pretty amazing bikes. They're beautiful and I'd do just about anything to own one again. I guess you could say that I am going through a midlife crisis in my mind over this. It's a passion, not an addiction.
I would love to see your midlife crisis purchase.
Post your pics to the Cat Facebook Page and call me between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to tell me about them at 248-5665.