For many, you can't put a price on enjoying yourself. You're probably smarter doing it while you can anyway. There's an old saying that youth is wasted on the young. Isn't that the truth?
Quit sending me junk mail. I opened the mailbox yesterday, and it was full of flyers and catalogs. Hey Territory Ahead, the last shirt I bought from you was 10 years ago. you can bombard somebody else with your ads. And thanks for selling my address to Cobalt Something or other...
Some of these may be in bad taste, or you may even think they're inappropriate. Most will find a little holiday humor. Whatever you think about the content, I think we can all agree, these are some ugly Christmas sweaters.
I'm like the rest of you, we would all like to hit a home run on something but those stories are few and far between. So we'll all just keep our junk and let somebody else find out someday.
Combined with the new interstate exchanges now, you'd think it would be good to draw the customers in, instead of having to go to the Shiloh or King Avenue exchange on the opposite end of town. We'll see.