Hate to suggest this, but anyone living in or visited Montana's Indian reservations should carry the means of self-defense.  This last week, two men received less than five years in prison for assaults with a weapon.  In both cases, knife attacks.

Celebrating a Birthday with a Stabbing

In February, Kal William Runningcrane had been drinking with friends and family at the Glacier Peaks Casino and Hotel in Browning.  They were listening to live music, while employee Riverblu Boggs sat alone at a neighboring table.  For no reason, with no provocation, Runningcrane walked to Boggs and stabbed him in the neck.  Boggs fought back, taking two more stab wounds, and managed to get away from the assailant.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, while emergency personnel treated Boggs and flew him to Great Falls, Runningcrane was nabbed outside the Blackfeet Reservation.  This month he just received two years and three months.

Hopefully the prison will serve cake on his next couple birthdays.

Domestic Violence with a Kitchen Knife

The second case happened in July 2023 and started with an argument over protecting a son.  Leon Boyd Messerly, mid-60s, punched a woman identified as Jane Doe in her face, then he grabbed a chef's knife.  He stabbed her multiple times in the neck, back and left arm.

Messerly then left their home on the Fort Belknap Reservation for a friend's house and told them what he had done.  The friend drove Jane Doe to the ER, then she was transported to the Great Falls hospital for extensive, multiple surgeries.

Messerly himself has just received three years and nine months for his assault.  No follow-up on who is protecting the son now.

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