Mark’s Lockdown Day 17
- Dishes are caught up completely. Laundry as well. Made a double batch of taco meat that will last me well into next week.
- Helped with 7th grade homework, but had trouble coming up with three reasons why monsters shouldn't eat me.
- I even tried to get Mom to join Marco Polo. It's an app where you record video messages for your friends to watch at their convenience. Didn't quite get that accomplished, but heard once again how AI should've married that gal I was dating in 1985.
- My pantry has never been so perfect.
- I own more toilet paper now than at any previous point in my lifetime. But for the very first time, I've got it locked up in my safe.
- I went back through my credit card bill just to see how I spend monthly in restaurants. I need to tone that down a bit when things open back up. I won't, but I need to.
- One of my favorite parts about social distancing is that the golf courses are having just one golfer per cart.
Keep your spirits up. This is temporary.