NOSTALGIA: Butter on Saltines
I shared something on Facebook this morning that talked about those of us who put butter or margarine on saltine crackers and the post exploded with comments. So, apparently I wasn't the only one.
For me, it HAD to be the Nabisco Premium Saltines. Not the Zesta Saltines and certainly not any of the generic brand crackers. Those same crackers were also important in the "Cracker Macs" my sister and I would make using the saltines and a can of squirt cheese.
In later years when I started buying my own groceries, I ate a lot of those packaged crackers from restaurants. Each one only held two crackers, but in my early days of being out on my own, those crackers (along with a little Skippy Peanut Butter, not Jiff) made several meals for me. Then the producers got smart and started making flavored crackers. Ritz Crackers lead to Cheezits which lead to Club Crackers that I ate with my salad. So good.
But for me, the big hook came when I discovered those packages of a dozen orange crackers with the peanut butter already on them! Yes. I am THAT lazy. If you put the peanut butter on for me, I will always buy your product.
Alas, crackers and bread had to be off the list of foods that I eat. My only exception, my only cheat is salad croutons. I'll eat them individually. Each with exactly the right amount of salad dressing applied. Then I'll eat the salad.
"Are you going to eat your croutons?" is now the most common thing I say to people when I'm out for a meal. So, are you?