Science Says Those Expiration Labels On Your Food Aren’t That Legit
Food expiration dates don't have a lot of science behind them, according to an article by The Conversation.
The author said people think expiration dates on their food mean it's not edible anymore. NOT TRUE. Food manufacturers and processors use terms like "Best Used By" or "Best if Used Before" or "Guaranteed Fresh Until" but the dates have little to do with when the food expires or becomes less safe to eat.

The USDA reports that on average in 2020, 31% of food purchased was never consumed and the food labeling system is to blame for most -- $161 billion a year in waste. Those dates on your food are not regulated by the FDA , they come from the food producers and are NOT based on food science. The dates are usually put there for optimum taste.
The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic recommends eliminating those dates and just giving you the date of manufacturing. It's good to know that infant formula is the only food that is formally regulated by government and science to abide by the "Use By" date... That's it. And that's to protect the nutrition qualities of the formula.
People should rely on your eyes and your noses. Like all you moms out there who do, if it looks bad and it smells bad don't eat it.
I had this can of deviled ham spread in my cabinet here at work that says it expired in 2002. I'll bet it's still good. But you should be the first to try it.
By the way, cold foods have more microbes on them so when they smell pitch them.
That's what barn cats are for; they'll eat anything regardless of what the label or smell says.
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
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