Security at the Double Tree for the POTUS
There will definitely be some frustrated drivers in Billings today (9/6/2018), but do your best to be patient. Here at the Double Tree hotel, visitors are going through a TSA style checkpoint and you will notice lots of suits, ties, guns and earpieces in the lobby (I was afraid to take their pictures, so you'll have to take my word for it).
Just outside the building on the north side, there is a checkpoint where vehicles must be inspected. From what I've seen, they're pretty efficient and get cars moving through pretty quickly, but unless you have a reason to be here, I would suggest avoiding it.
There is a 2 block radius surrounding the Double Tree that is essentially blocked off, so expect delays and rerouting for Montana Ave., 1st ave. North, northbound and southbound traffic on N 27th st.
Hopefully even those who are not necessarily fans of President Trump will have enough respect for the office to understand the need for security, but if not...I would advise controlling your emotions around this security team. They have a difficult job and are highly trained to make sure no harm comes to whomever holds the highest office in the land.