My old phone was an iPhone. It was 4 years old and that's ancient by today's standards. So I went to the phone store and got a new phone. And I chose a different brand this time. And it's completely because Apple wouldn't cooperate with the FBI when they wouldn't unlock the shooters phone...
Whether you're an iPhone fan or not, you're probably well aware iOS 7 was released yesterday. For all non-users, this basically means the phone's software was amped up a bit, which sounds like it'd be totally cool, but as soon as people could download it, Twitter exploded with complaints.
While the rest of the technology world worships at the feet of their Techno Fruit Gods, competitor Nokia wasted no time in taking some impressive broadside shots at Apple's announcements!
This video, recorded by and uploaded using Twitter's new video sharing app Vine, gives us yet another horrifying look into the the human race's tragic loss of decency and decorum.
Siri, iPhone's voice-activated personal assistant, has a reputation of being kind of a jerk. Sure she's a tad snarky and sometimes sarcastic, but she's totally misunderstood, guys. In fact, Siri's actually pretty darn funny!