
Montana has it's fair share of famous people
Montana has it's fair share of famous people
Montana has it's fair share of famous people
While large in size, Montana is actually pretty small compared to the rest of the United States.  With a population just over 1 million, Montana ranked #44 in population after the 2020 census. In fact, it is so small that 9 cities in the United States have a larger population than the entire state of Montana. ...
Stan Lee Dead At 95
Stan Lee Dead At 95
Stan Lee Dead At 95
Reports are coming in that Stan Lee has passed away at the age of 95. Stan is responsible for a lot of great childhood memories for me and although I'm sad to see him go, I'm glad that he lived long enough to see his characters come alive on screen. These superhero movies aren't for everyone, but the fans definitely recognize the quality increase in the last decade.
Famous People Who Live Or Have Lived In Montana
Famous People Who Live Or Have Lived In Montana
Famous People Who Live Or Have Lived In Montana
I've always wondered how millions upon millions of people can live in crap holes like Los Angeles and hardly anyone lives in Montana. Sure the weather is better and the beach is close but it seems like the crime, smog and ridiculously high prices more than outweigh the benefits...
What Country Star Is This?
What Country Star Is This?
What Country Star Is This?
“I thought to myself, this is so unfair that my brother gets to be a dinosaur and I’m stuck with Mickey Mouse," this country singer said about his boyhood Halloween costume. "I mean, dinosaurs could eat a mouse in a bow tie in a matter of seconds!" It's a valid point. Do you think you can figure out who this is?
According To Her Mom, Carrie Underwood Is Not A People Person
According To Her Mom, Carrie Underwood Is Not A People Person
According To Her Mom, Carrie Underwood Is Not A People Person
In a recent article in Marie Claire about country's reigning queen, her mom says Carrie was much more comfortable outside with animals and less so around people. Carrie herself said in the issue "We were never a huggy family. Or a 'let's talk it out' family," adding "I'm not a mushy person at all...

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