Road Trip

Where to Find the Best Truck Stops in Montana
Where to Find the Best Truck Stops in Montana
Where to Find the Best Truck Stops in Montana
Good truck stops are awesome. I love them and I'm not embarrassed to sing their praises. However, all truck stops are certainly not created equal, so let's take a look at the best Montana has to offer.
This is What Enjoying ‘Windshield Therapy’ is Like On Montana’s Backroads
This is What Enjoying ‘Windshield Therapy’ is Like On Montana’s Backroads
This is What Enjoying ‘Windshield Therapy’ is Like On Montana’s Backroads
There are many names for what I did Sunday morning. "Go for a cruise", "Driveabout" and "Go see some scenery". I prefer to call it "Windshield therapy". You start with no destination. And while you're driving backroads you take to turn down roads that you either haven't been on in a long time or have never been down...

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