
Mattel Has Left Out Mark Wilson’s Favorite Country Singer From Barbie Immortalization
Mattel Has Left Out Mark Wilson’s Favorite Country Singer From Barbie Immortalization
Mattel Has Left Out Mark Wilson’s Favorite Country Singer From Barbie Immortalization
Paul had the story this morning about a new doll by Mattel that looks like singer Gloria Estefan. And we wondered if they had made a Sheryl Crow version. Before I could even Google it, listeners started messaging me like crazy. Things like "I'll bet you have one already" or "No, but you'll probably buy the first one that comes out"...
Hot Wheels Turns 50
Hot Wheels Turns 50
Hot Wheels Turns 50
My favorite toys as a child were Hot Wheels. I also had a few Matchbox cars and even got a "Johnny Lightning" car for Christmas one year. Hot Wheels were always my favorites. Earlier this week, I saw an article on the toys turning 50 this year...

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