Dog House Parade At Metra Park This Saturday, Set Up Friday.
This is it, a big week ahead. The final touches are being put in place for the Dog House Parade. The huge Gala is sold out and it's going to be quite an evening. The social hour will start at 5 with drinks and appetizers Dinner will be served at about 6 and the auction will start at about 7:30.
A big part of the event will be the public viewing on Saturday from 10 am until 3 pm at the Montana Pavilion. We did this so the entire community can come and view the 40 plus custom-built dog houses but more importantly vote on the three different categories.
Ballots and a voting deposit box will be on hand for everyone to vote on their favorites. Best of all, everyone is invited back for the auction that night at about 7:15 pm, and bleachers are being set up for you so come and get a number and bid away. This is a fundraiser for the Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter and we'll give you some info at the gala that night about their operation.

Put the finishing touches on your dog houses and bring them to the Montana Pavilion on Friday between 8 am and 5 pm or you can bring them on Saturday morning before 9 am in order for us to get things organized. These dog houses are going to be amazing something every pet owner should see.
This is something new for Mark and me to organize an event like this so let's make it Great. Who knows what we might be able to do next year so thanks in advance to all who will help this worthy cause. By the way, some custom-made cat houses will also be available. Don't miss it this Saturday the 30th.
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