Free Mask Distribution Planned for Wednesday (7/29)
An effort to "Mask Up Billings" and help supply our local businesses with face coverings will continue this week, thanks to the Yellowstone County Economic Response and Recovery Team.
According to the press release from the Billings Chamber of Commerce, any business that would like masks for their employees or customers can pick up a supply for free at the following locations this Wednesday, July 29:
- Downtown Billings Alliance, 116 N 29th St. Suite A
- Farmers Insurance - Angela Stiller, 2646 Grand Ave. Suite 9
- Boothill Inn (Heights), 242 East Airport Road
Mask distribution will begin at 9 a.m. this Wednesday, and continue until the supply of masks is gone, or until 5 p.m., whichever comes first. Information on the supply of masks will be updated on the Big Sky Economic Development Facebook page, and the Downtown Billings Alliance Facebook page. Get updates on the event page by clicking HERE.
Governor Bullock issued a directive on July 15 that requires face coverings in public indoor spaces and outdoor spaces with 50 or more people. The mask mandate is for Montana counties with four or more active COVID-19 cases.
According to a press release today (Monday 7/27) from RiverStone Health, there have now been 22 deaths in Yellowstone County from the novel coronavirus. To date, 893 residents have been infected with COVID-19, according to the report.
Top 7 Causes of Death for Montanans

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