Hey Daines, Tester, Rosendale: How Bad Does It Have to Get? (Opinion)
There was an eye-opening article this morning in the Billings Gazette describing the record heat and drought that Montana is experiencing now. With desperation and frustration mounting only 26 of our 56 counties have been declared drought disaster areas by the USDA, how in the hell bad does it have to get? There is nothing left. No grass, no hay, no water or subsoil moisture. Nothing.
Fires are raging everywhere burning all of what's left of vegetation. Grasshoppers are swarming now, consuming everything in their path and only 26 counties have been declared, Yellowstone not being one of them.
So what are you three doing while the entire state of Montana is in peril? You're working on infrastructure. Shame on you. You should be sitting on Tom Vilsack's desk until he signs off on disaster assistance for your people back home. If you don't fight for us, who will?

You're working on more help for people so they won't lose their apartment, and we have thousands here dropping like flies losing everything that THEY own. How many people in Baltimore, Brooklyn, San Francisco, Delaware, Chicago farm or ranch or have agriculture as their state's number one industry? We're dying out here and you're working on their crap when your own citizens need you now. Why don't you use your pull and tell them no infrastructure vote until Montana and other areas are all declared disaster areas. Have some balls and do what the hell we sent you there to do. Fight for your state fight for your people and don't give up until you get results or don't come back. You can celebrate with the people in the large cities who get their new bridges or subways upgrades.
And one more thing: however many of us in this state survive this ordeal and pull through it, it will be because of their will and determination and hard work and passion for their way of life and not some loser politician. Get busy or get lost. Hope to see ya tomorrow with better news at 5.
Read what one Senator's office sent in response to this post
PHOTOS: 2021 Robertson Draw Fire Near Red Lodge, Montana
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