Over 100 Refugees Coming to Billings, Montana
Whether you agree with placing 100 "refugees" in Billings, Montana or not- I think we all probably have the same question: where are they going to find housing?
I know young couples here in Billings who can't afford to buy a home. It was a big enough challenge before 2020- then everybody decided to flee the lockdown states and move to Montana. That sent home prices skyrocketing. Now you add the inflation and the rate hikes that we have seen under President Biden and Senator Tester (D-MT) and it's way out of range for most young families.
Montanans have several reasons to be concerned when we hear the news that 100 refugees from Afghanistan, Venezuela, Honduras, and Ukraine will be getting placed in Billings. First, the Biden Administration seems to be slapping the "refugee" label on anyone who comes into this country- even if they break in across our southern border. The Biden Administration also failed to vet the refugees they brought in during the last go round. Remember when an Afghan refugee raped an 18 year old young woman in Missoula?
According to Charlie Klepps with KTVQ-TV, the local CBS TV station, a nonprofit group called Nations to Neighbors is opening an office in Billings and helping to place the refugees here in Montana.
Not only have young families been able to find their own housing, two of the three Billings high schools are already over capacity.
Here's my question: other states like California are losing people like crazy. People are fleeing California. There's lots of housing available in California. Why aren't the refugees being placed there?