From Ignorance To Awareness: The Urgent Call To Confront
There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe that's why the major news media outlets and publications in America are refusing to show you the horrible graphic scenes from that dreadful day when the terrorist group Hamas attacked and brutalized the Jewish population of Israel.
Why aren't they showing it? Well if they did the people would know why Israel is trying to eliminate this from happening again. How could people in America take the side of Hamas?
We all have seen the pictures of the Holocaust, if you haven't, Google them and you'll know why they are fighting. Look at the pictures of the bodies our troops found at Nordhausen. Look at the huge piles of bones and ashes at Buchenwald. How about the horrifying concentration camp at Ohrdruf? The look on the faces of the women and children stripping before they were burned or gassed alive together while embracing. The piles of teeth they saved to get the gold out. We all know why we had to eliminate the Nazi's and those pictures remain with you.
These 22-year-old punk pro-Hamas kids haven't seen the pictures of what happened on that October 7th day. The torture they inflicted on women and children and babies before finally killing them is unbearable to watch, but they need to see it. They wouldn't be chanting death to the Jews and death to America so loudly...
Those punk American haters better not try to rip my flag down and put theirs' up at my place. If those were their children, they'd be on the other side. Show the pictures and people will finally get it... sorry, but it needs to be said...
See ya tomorrow at 5.