A Montana sheriff says he has had enough. He is leaving the Democrat party and will now seek re-election as a Republican. Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter says he didn't want to make the move, but that the radical views now dominating the Democrat Party forced him to make the switch.

Sheriff Slaughter: It wasn't an easy thing to do. I'll be honest with you.  I ran as a Democrat, but I ran as a Constitutionalist, and I never made that a secret. In fact, I am convinced that that is the reason that the public entrusted me is because I stand for those values. Over the past how many years, a year and a half, several people started asking me, 'Hey, you need to switch. What's going on in this country? We can't tolerate it.' And I always said, 'I'm not gonna switch. That's not who I am.

But he said the party has gone off the rails, and won't stand up to radical activists in their own party backing domestic terrorists like Antifa, and promoting defund the police.

Sheriff Slaughter: Your average, everyday hard-working blue collar Democrat in Montana are amazing, amazing people. The party has gone off the rails, they have gone full blown progressive...they have become anti law enforcement, and take away your right to defend yourself as a citizen. So let's get rid of your guns-and then on top of it let's take away any mechanism of public safety.

Here's the audio with Sheriff Slaughter on Montana Talks with Aaron Flint:

By the way, I want to give a h/t to Rick Tryon and the eCityBeat in Great Falls, where I first spotted this story. You can also read coverage from The Great Falls Tribune and ABC Fox Montana on this story.

Read More: Montana Sheriffs: Mask Mandate is Not Enforceable |


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