Single Lane Traffic on Parts of 27th St. For 1-3 Weeks
The 27th Street Improvement Project is nearing completion, with the Montana Department of Transportation providing an update yesterday (Monday 11/23) via text saying "paving is complete."
Current information about the project from the Montana DOT reports there will be "single lane traffic" through the heart of downtown Billings for the next one to three weeks, with crews now working on manholes and water valves.
During milling and paving, manholes and water valves were lowered below street level to ensure a smooth and consistent paving surface. Now that paving is completed, those manholes and water valves are being raised back up to street level and encircled with a concrete collar to protect them and keep them even with the new paved surface. -Montana Department of Transportation, 27th Street Project Overview
Expect some minor delays through downtown Billings when traveling on or around 27th Street through at least the end of November, according to the Montana Department of Transportation, with "2-3 blocks increments" of 27th Street having single-lane traffic until the project is completed in the next few weeks.

Crews are also striping crosswalks along 27th Street, so motorists should be prepared to slow down and give extra room for workers along the downtown corridor.
If you would like to receive updates about the 27th Street Improvement Projects from the Montana Department of Transportation, you can get text alerts by sending '27thstreet' to 47177, or you can email 27thstreetbillings@kljeng.com to receive updates.
The 27th Street Improvements project began construction in September 2019. The project includes new asphalt for approximately 3 miles of 27th Street through the heart of downtown Billings, from the 27th Street Bridge over I-90 to just south of the Airport Road roundabout.
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