Montana High School Sports To Adopt Two Big ChangesMontana High School Sports To Adopt Two Big ChangesCome next year, we could see some exciting new changes for high school sports in Montana. Will GordonWill Gordon
Owners of D-Bat Billings Survey Damage in the Light… It’s BadOwners of D-Bat Billings Survey Damage in the Light… It’s BadElectrical power was restored to the heavily damaged business this week, giving owners a full look at the destruction. Michael FothMichael Foth
Why Aren’t There More Minor League Sports in Montana?Why Aren’t There More Minor League Sports in Montana?Surprisingly, there aren't more throughout our great state. Will GordonWill Gordon
Is It Unfair That Pete Rose Is Still Banned From Baseball?Is It Unfair That Pete Rose Is Still Banned From Baseball?When I think of things that athletes from other sports have done and are still in the hall and celebrated, then Rose should be a shoo-in.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Eat at Billings’ Jersey Mike’s on Wednesday (3/31) for Landon’s LegacyEat at Billings’ Jersey Mike’s on Wednesday (3/31) for Landon’s LegacyBoth Billings locations are donation 100% of all sales on Wednesday to Landon's Legacy Miracle League baseball field. Michael FothMichael Foth
We’ve Lost Several Baseball Icons in the Last YearWe’ve Lost Several Baseball Icons in the Last YearThis past year was not good for some of the greatest ever in baseball. Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Major League Baseball Has a New Stupid RuleMajor League Baseball Has a New Stupid RuleStupid, stupid, rule. If baseball wants to speed up the game, enforce a 20-second pitch clock and make the batter stay in the box during his at-bat.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Democrats and BaseballDemocrats and BaseballIf you heard my story last week why there is no reason for liberals to like baseball, here's another reason. Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
What Style of Hair Is Most Popular Right Now?What Style of Hair Is Most Popular Right Now?Last night while I was watching the baseball game, I couldn't help notice how many players have long hair. Is that in now?Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben
Billings Heights L.L. Team Plays Bothell, WA In Must Win GameBillings Heights L.L. Team Plays Bothell, WA In Must Win GameAfter surviving elimination last night with a 20-0 win over Wyoming, the Billings Heights All-Stars are back in action tonight (Wednesday 8/7) at 5pm Mountain time in the Little League Baseball Northwest Regional.Johnny VincentJohnny Vincent
All Things “Hot Dog”All Things “Hot Dog”Today is National Hot Dog Day, so I looked some things up.Mark WilsonMark Wilson
Computer-Generated Strike Zone Will Ruin the GameComputer-Generated Strike Zone Will Ruin the GameFor the first time this week they tried using a computer-generated strike zone in a baseball game.Paul MushabenPaul Mushaben