Thinking Back to My First Drink

I saw something on Facebook claiming that if you survived drinking Annie Green Springs, you are immune to the COVID-19. While this is most likely not true, I think that you should not get your medical advice from this particular source.
But it got me thinking back to my first drink. Back in my school days, keggers were where everybody gathered and filled their red solo cups. We built a bonfire and drank keg beer until either we drank it all, or the sheriff's department came and busted up the proceedings.
My first beer was a can of Olympia. I didn't care for the taste of beer at the time, but my friends insisted because it was my eighteenth birthday. Good enough reason for me.
But the gang that I ran with didn't really like beer much either, so we stuck mostly to the assorted Annie Green Springs line of flavored wines. They had very low alcohol content and didn't taste "boozy."
None of us drank much in those days because we didn't have enough money to drink all that often. Also, many of us had parents that were hard drinkers and we didn't want to end up drinking martinis and manhattans. Gross.
As it turns out, none of the guys or gals ended up in any kind of trouble with alcohol. We lost one to drugs, but that wasn't ok in our group.
I had to look up the numbers. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "Heavy alcohol use (is) more than 4 drinks on any day for men or more than 3 for women."
I can imagine a lot of you recounting yesterday's events in your head.
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