A new Gallup poll revealed what the most popular drink in all of the US was. How does Montana stack up to the rankings? Are we drinking what everyone else is?
I know a little bit about hangovers so I wasn't surprised that several of you suggested a Spicy Ceaser adorned with a chunk of cheese, a slim jim, pickle spear, and maybe a cocktail shrimp or two.
I saw something on Facebook claiming that if you survived drinking Annie Green Springs, you are immune to the COVID-19. While this is most likely not true, I think that you should not get your medical advice from this particular source.
I have to ask, because I honestly don't know. How many of you are planning on going drinking on St. Patrick' Day? Is it because you are actually Irish? Or is it because you don't miss an opportunity to "Day Drink?"
I like beer. And, I like going out for a beer...
The Irish have a hard earned reputation for enjoying a pint or two of bitters. They'll use pretty much any excuse to drink (sounds like Montana). It's Tuesday... "time for a pint!" You get the idea. Their history is long and colorful. The first written record of Irish whiskey dates back to the early 1400's and the first known Irish Pub opened in 1198...
First, let me say I don't mean alcohol. The title and the picture are a tad misleading but at lunch today I must've drank the equivalent of a Super Big Gulp of soda. Now when I walk down the hall I can hear the liquid sloshing around back in forth in my stomach...