Billings Combs Concert Result In a Hangover? A Few Local Remedies
For our Weird Wednesday topic this morning we had listeners call in their best recipes to cure hangovers. They were many and varied.
I know a little bit about hangovers so I wasn't surprised that several of you suggested a Spicy Ceaser adorned with a chunk of cheese, a slim jim, pickle spear, and maybe a cocktail shrimp or two.
I've seen actual hangover cures for sale at convenience stores but never tried them.
Some other cures called for specific items from specific fast-food restaurants. If you're at McDonald's, it's a Big Mac and icy cold Coke. Taco Johns's home run cure is their potato Ole's with Cheese.
My hangovers always required some sort of carbonation. So whether it was Coke, Pepsi, or 7-Up, it seemed to help me a lot. Then I'd chase it down with a half of a Cheese Steak from Pickle Barrel. Followed by several hours of napping.
For the musical people, there are even hangover songs. I always liked "Wasn't That A Party" by the Irish Rovers. And Johnny Cashs' classic "Sunday Morning Coming Down", written by Kris Kristofferson. And featuring the classic lyrics "the beer that I had for breakfast tasted good so I had one more for dessert". Very country.
The way things are these days, I should probably do some sort of legal disclaimer about how we don't encourage drinking to access, for any reason. But like the meme, I saw on Facebook recently said "No great story ever started with a glass of milk."