3 Easy Ways To Win Little Texas Tickets
Little Texas will perform a benefit concert for the Billings Police Protective Association on April 12 at the Shrine Auditorium and Cat Country has three ways to win your way in!
1. Download the FREE Cat Country 102.9 mobile app onto your phone. Then wait to receive our exclusive message letting you know when it's time to call for tickets. We're sending our daily free ticket alerts all week so get the app or you're missing out!
2. Listen to the Breakfast Flakes this Thursday (3/28) because every Thursday is GAME DAY! Mark and Paul will let you know how to win your tickets for Little Texas in the 7am hour. But you better get up with the guys at 5am or Paul will call think you're a loser.
3. Enter below to win (4) Four Tickets that we will draw for on Monday, April 1.
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