840 Hours and Counting Until School Starts in Billings

School starts in Billings in 840 hours. Here's what we know so far. They plan on going with live instruction on August 24 and masks will be required. There's not a lot of info yet. Now they do have a school board meeting today and according to the Billings Gazette, they are going to send out a survey to take the public temperature on at home online schooling.
Wait a minute, school starts in 840 hours and now you want input on different approaches? This should have already been done. Plan A, B, and C should have been in place by now. Montana State University had their plan in place in the spring. We have reached out to officials in the district to come in and answer some questions of concern and for some reason, we get no response. That's fine. I know they're busy, but so are all the parents trying to figure out preparations for the school year who only know that it starts August 24 and to send their kid with a mask. They received 3.2 million dollars in COVID aid money from the Feds to help with this very thing. The count down has started and the earlier the public gets something solid the better for them and the district. See ya tomorrow at 5.
KEEP READING: 50 activities to keep kids busy this summer
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