New Chicken, Superintendent Survey, and Metra’s Improvements on Farmer Finishers
A week full of big events I'm highlighting in Farmer Finishers.
The huge and much-celebrated opening of Chick-Fil-A brought the people you only see during the fair out in big numbers. Some waited two hours in line just to get one of their shakes.
Folks, in my humble opinion, they don't even come close to having the best shakes in Billings. It's hard to beat Fuddrucker's, Red Robin, or Candy Town... But to each his own.
If you have time this weekend you might want to take part in the survey for School District 2. They want to know from you what qualities you would like in a new Superintendent while the search firm they hired looks for them.
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Did you know they are building a new arena for motorsports, rodeos, ropings, and other events for MetraPark? I was shocked, I didn't know either.
Where did all of that money come from? Metra has never made a profit since its inception. In fact, taxpayers have to subsidize it to the tune of $1 or $2 million every year. We should have never torn down the grandstand. We could have put a million into that and still have an iconic facility for such events...Oh well, that's progress.
Finally, we leave for our Flakes trip next week, something I always look forward to. Time to relax, count your blessings, and realize what's really important. If you have your health and can do things like this once in a while, you're blessed. Hope you all have a chance to experience this someday.
Take care and hold the fort down while we're gone...
See ya the 1st of February.