Are Billings Folks Unruly on Airplanes?
With airline travel picking up now the airlines are seeing more and more incidents of unruly passengers. I hope they are not coming from Billings, even though it's a science project to get from here to anywhere.
According to the FAA as of July, there were 3,509 cases of unruly behavior reported on aircraft. There were 2,605 mask-related instances on planes. I think I would become unruly if someone was becoming unruly. In fact, I know many people who fly that would step up if need be to get control of a situation. Many of these flights have to be diverted and that means missed connections or missed events for some, which compounds the attitude towards airlines. However, I do understand some people's frustrations, as a lot of these problems have been accelerated by the airline's policies.
First, they moved all the seats closer and packed the planes to the point where you are always in someone's bubble. Cattle have more room in a trailer than you do in a plane. Making people check carry-ons, water, and peanuts or a waffle cookie only on a 3-hour flight, you can't change your flight without having to pay a huge penalty, crowded terminals, slow screening process--it all starts to take hold and then it bursts. Add in delays, sitting on the tarmac for an hour waiting to depart or get to the gate doesn't help either. After 50 plus billion in taxpayer help during the pandemic, I think it's time for airlines to start returning some love to the people that saved them. Maybe then that will help all of us settle down a bit.