Celebrating Our Country’s Independence
With the 4th of July coming up on Thursday, many people are planning their holiday with family gatherings, barbeques, and fireworks.
If you are planning on going somewhere to watch the fireworks, here are some places that you can enjoy them:
Laurel: Thomson Park July 4th, (this is billed as the largest fireworks display in Montana)
Red Lodge @ the Home of Champions Rodeo, July 2nd, 3rd & 4th with a parade at Noon each day
Roundup Independence Days Extravaganza July 4th.
Castle Rock Park in the Heights on July 4th.
Stewart Park (behind Rimrock Mall on the West End) July 5th
The Big Sky Speedway (Roundup Road) July 6th after the races.
West High School (Relay for Life) July 12th
Homesteader Park (Homesteader Days Huntley) July 13th
If you're like my family and you like to put on your own display, here are some places you can purchase your fireworks
- Montana Fireworks - 64th Street & Central Avenue and at 815 High Ridge Drive in Billings
- Patriot Discount Fireworks - 934 US-87 in Billings,
- Baachachik - Sugar Factory Road in Hardin
- Perrella's Pyrotechnics & Fireworks - 902 2nd Street West in Roundup
- Crazy Debbies Fireworks - 704 Mak Pua Avenue in Pryor
As always, be careful when lighting off fireworks. Accidents do happen (believe me I know first hand what can happen when a firework doesn't go off correctly).
Remember that the rims will be closed again this year for the 4th of July
I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July.