Different, Yet The Same: Montana Roots Bond My Kids For Life
If you have them, it's hard to forget growing up with your siblings. My situation was a little different because I had 3 older sisters that were all gone before I even got into high school.
For my kids, it was different at the ranch, where siblings are with each other for more extended amounts of time because of the nature of the business. They are your best friends that you spend the day with.
It's funny now because all four of them are spread out in all different regions of the country and have chosen career paths that are so different.
Yet they still have that common denominator that keeps them close.
Take for instance, my two boys. They both loved all the same things growing up: Sports, junk food, Duke, riding their mud shark bikes, shooting prairie dogs, etc.
Now that they have entered a different stage of life they have gone in completely opposite directions.
Jake is fine-tuning his orthopedic surgery skills outside of Los Angeles (pictured left, below), and John has been tearing up the NBA 2 K league in Atlanta playing competitive professional video basketball (pictured right).
I know, two totally different directions.
Both are far from what I do for a living too, but there is one common bond that holds us together -- my daughters also -- and that would be the life we knew on the ranch. That will keep them together forever. In fact, Jake is getting married next week and his long-time best friend that he grew up with will be there by his side as his best man even though they are so different now.
Love ya boys... you too, girls. See you all next week together again.