Flakesgiving Tomorrow. Set Up Today. Final Update.
If you're tired of reading about Flakesgiving this week, I apologize. But since this event consumes our attention for a week, you get one more on it.
If you need a meal, come get one. Our Flakesgiving box will feed an entire family. And in most cases, you'll have lots of leftovers. With leftovers being the real reason for this meal anyway.
Our event doesn't require any form of proof of financial hardship. You don't even have to show any I.D. Seriously.
We will have 1500 complete meals that are going to need homes starting at noon Saturday we will be handing those out at Metra. Just look for the semis and the long line. We will have enough food for those in need. We always do.
No matter what's gone on in your life recently, we want families to be able to have a meal together, at home, and not have to go out and try to find one.
We will deliver close to 500 of these meals by about lunchtime Saturday. All the rest will just be handed out to those in line tomorrow. Coming and standing in line is the surest way to make sure that you get a meal.
The people in charge are the Flakesgiving founders who are also the board members. Direct all questions or concerns to either Mark or Paul.
If you have suggestions on how to make this event better, please tell Paul. He loves to hear from people.
The weather looks to be good this weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone who participates this year!
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