Important Keystone Pipeline Meeting in Billings Soon
At least $60 million in tax revenue would flow to Eastern Montana counties EVERY YEAR if the Keystone XL pipeline finally gets up and running. And that is apparently based on 2012 numbers, according to my recent conversation with Attorney General Tim Fox (R-MT).
If you back the Keystone XL pipeline being built in Montana, and want to see the project up and running- there's an important meeting coming up in Billings.
Toby Mack with the Energy Equipment & Infrastructure Alliance says the U.S. Department of State is holding a public hearing in Billings on October, 29th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Billings Hotel & Convention Center.
Mack added this important note:
This event will undoubtedly be attended by vocal opponents and widely covered by the media. Therefore it is critically important to have a substantial presence of supporters in the room to show the broad backing for KXL by workers and business people to both the Department of State and the region's media viewers. Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak and that would be appreciated. The physical presence of supporters is the most important part.
If you have any people in the region who can attend, please arrange it. This project is getting very close to the permitting finish line, and we must help push it over.
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