
Can We Just Let “You Be You” This Earth Day, Please?
Can We Just Let “You Be You” This Earth Day, Please?
Can We Just Let “You Be You” This Earth Day, Please?
I don't know if you know what Friday, April 22nd is or if you plan on celebrating. But It's Earth Day. And it was established in 1970. The goal of the day is to raise awareness about environmental protection. And our president will be flying to Seattle and Portland tomorrow in an attempt to promote his environmental agenda...
Bald Eagle Devours Duck
Bald Eagle Devours Duck
Bald Eagle Devours Duck
I caught some cool footage of an eagle eating what may have been a duck in front of Lewis and Clark middle school. I posted this video a couple of weeks ago on my personal Facebook page and had some people message me saying that I should have let someone know this eagle was in the vicinity.

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