Montana has its fair share of Veterans, men, and women who have served this great state and country. This Veterans Day, let's all remember their sacrifice.
Here's a class act way to honor our veterans this week! This Saturday, November 12th, a Veterans' celebration dinner, and dance will take place at the Elks Lodge in Butte. Please show your support for the men and women who have fought for our country, and continue to do so with this honorable gathering. The Marine Corps Reserve will also be on site for their TOYS FOR TOTS Butte Campaign fundraiser. Here's the breakdown: A No-Host Cocktail Hour will begin at 5 p.m., a Flag Ceremony at 6 p.m., Dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by LIVE music at 8 p.m. by JST Us. There is still time to make reservations for this community event, again coming up this Saturday. For complete details, make sure to call (406) 490-2864.
In 2020, I wrote a piece on Veterans Day that I'd like to reshare with you all.
Happy Veterans day to all of you out there that have so valiantly served your country. It doesn't matter what your role is or was, you are special. You enabled us to enjoy the things that America offers without worry or concern...
Tomorrow November 11th is Veterans Day. It's still a very important holiday for me as I have a Favorite Veteran that I always think about. You all know who that is, he loved his country until the day he died. I'm writing this today so that tomorrow when we check our articles we can pay tribute to all of your favorite veterans in your life.
Wow, I guess I didn't realize that there was a national Sons and Daughters day. Guess that makes me a non-caring, forgetful, unappreciative dad. NO, it doesn't. The sad thing is we shouldn't need a special day for sons and daughters.
If you're driving down the road, and see the stars and stripes rolling down the train tracks- give it another look. Also plastered on the side of the Montana Rail Link is the words "Thank You Veterans."
With all the hype around the Flakes trip this weekend, don't forget Sunday is Veterans day. We owe each and every one of them our eternal gratitude for their sacrifices and dedication to their country. I know I would be nothing without them and I am so grateful for your courage and honor...
I can't emphasize enough how grateful I am to all past, present, and future members of our military who so bravely served their country. As long as I have a voice, your sacrifices for your country will not go unannounced. Whenever and wherever we need you, you go no questions asked...