The Chicago Shooting of a 13-Year-Old Makes Me So Mad [Opinion]
There was another tragic shooting, this time in Chicago, two weeks ago when a thirteen-year-old boy was shot and killed by a policeman at 2:30 in the morning.
I was able to watch the whole story (warning: the footage is graphic) from start to finish including the call into authorities until the time of the shooting. The Associated Press took the one still shot from the video that probably takes 30 images per second and used the picture to show him with his hands up right before he was shot. Besides all the questions, why was he hanging out with a 21-year-old gang member at 2:30 in the morning, what was he doing with a handgun, why did he run from police after reports of gunfire, why didn't he obey police commands to stop?
The AP decided to use this still shot. Just one second before that he is shown with the gun in his right hand as he raises his arm. So, the AP, mayors, governors, city councils, senators, etc., you have to go on the record and choose. Who should die in a gun confrontation when you have one second to decide? These officials need to make the choice officially and go on the record.
In so many of these confrontations, someone will die, either the cop or the suspect. So pick. If the police should always wait until fired upon, they will die, and you won't have any police anymore. But you pick. Make it clear that they should always gamble and take the first shot in the chest. You would never take a bullet if you had to make a choice, and you people make me sick when you think a life-or-death decision can be made in one second.
So make the call. Establish your position so everyone knows where you stand. Then all the blame and responsibility for the shooting will rest on your shoulders instead of the police officer. Aren't all of you news media and politicians and city leaders brave. See ya Monday. God willing.