Friday Fragments: App Issues, Food News, Flakes Trip, and More
App Issues
Well, our cat Country App was down again Friday. We are as frustrated as you are. The good news is that apparently somebody higher up the pecking order "sent a ticket to I.T." So, I'm sure that it will be better by Monday.

Steak On Steak
Lindy's Prime Steak House in Seeley Lake will serve you any kind of steak you would like, just as long as it's a sirloin.
The Legend
We talked a lot this week about the passing of Jimmy Buffet. He was universally loved by all. "Come Monday" always makes me wonder what happened to Jackie Hart.
Flakes Trip
We had our first sign-up to win the 28th Flakes trip this week at The Den. We had a great turnout. It's great to hear the determination of those who just know that this year is THEIR year to win it. We also spent as much time talking about showerheads as we did about Mexico. If you've listened the last couple of weeks, then you know. You'll be able to start qualifying for the trip on air soon.
Nostalgic Pizza
Village Inn Pizza is making a comeback. They will take up residence in the building that houses CJ's on the west end. They'll even have the Pac-Man game. They'll open in November.
Refunds Needed
Is Charter/Spectrum/Reach going to start giving refunds for those of us who are paying for ESPN, but not getting it while they try to negotiate with Disney? I am prepared for my three-hour wait when I call to cancel.
Have a great weekend. See you Monday at 5.
A Taste of What a Flakes Trip to Mexico is Really Like
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