Here’s a Fantastic Way to Use Leftover Wood and Metal Materials
Are you one of those people who like to save everything? I am. I'll' save screws and nails, pipefittings--anything I can get my hands on. I try not to save stuff in the house though. If you watch that show on a hoarding I don't know how those people can even live normally. There are even ordinances in town that keep people from acquiring junk and stacking it up in their yard. Another "No, it's not infringing on your rights" thing like we had earlier in the week. But here's my point: if you have lots of building material around, wood, metal, whatever, put it to good use and build us a dog house.
We kicked off our Dog House Parade promotion this morning and we already have about six folks committed. We would like to get at least 25 to make it work. Use your creativity, pick a theme you would like to follow. Maybe make one that would appeal to a sports fan. Make one with all the bells and whistles that someone would love to have for their dog. It doesn't matter to us.
Let us know if you can participate and if we get the support, The Dog House Parade will fly this fall. So, you savers, use all that stuff you have lying around, clean up the garage, get rid of that old lumber and tin, finally use that old paint and carpet you have been saving in the basement and help out the Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter. If you clean all that stuff up, it will keep you out of the dog house. Have a safe weekend and we'll see ya here Monday at 5.
2021 Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club Dog Show
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