Montana Fair At MetraPark
Montana Fair is just over a week away. I can't believe it's already August.
With that being said, are you excited for the fair August 11th - 19th?
I know my daughter is excited, she's already making plans and setting her social calendar.
I will admit I'm pretty stoked to see Pat Benatar and Melissa Etheridge (yes that means I'm old)
What do you think of the lineup this year?
Friday, August 11th - Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo and Melissa Etheridge
Saturday, August 12th - Paramore with special guest Julien Baker
Sunday, August 13th - Bill Engvall with special guest Gary Brightwell
Tuesday, August 15th - Supercross in the grandstands
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, AUgust 17th - 19th - PRCA Rodeo action in the grandstands
Let's not forget the midway and the Mighty Thomas Carnival, all the food vendors, free entertainment, 4-H and other displays.