Mark Wants to Know What’s The Best Photo in Your Phone’s Gallery!
For weird Wednesday today, Paul suggested that we tell what the last picture that we took on our phone was.
We had a few scenery shots. A couple that featured people's pets. We also had some Morrell mushrooms pics. A John Deere riding mower. And one bloody sweatshirt. (A plasma donation gone wrong, apparently.)
I snapped a quick (and fuzzy) picture of some Big Horn Sheep along a frontage road just off I-15 while we were still on vacation.
So, I've got a second "picture on your phone" challenge. I, personally, am not much a smartphone photographer. But I know that a lot of you folks are.
What's the BEST picture in your phone's gallery?

Have you got a record elk harvested during hunting season? Or maybe it's a perfect action shot of something that you snapped at just the right moment?
I have 3,353 pictures on my phone, so it took me a minute to pick my favorite.
And as I scroll I can't help but notice that I've got some difference in the number of photos in different categories.
My categories with the most pics are "golf course", Secrets Akumal, Flakesgiving, and my daughter golfing, cooking, playing volleyball, or 4-wheeling.
So right off the bat, I can't seem to find anything "scenic".
OK. Found it. It's from Mark Wilson's "Akumal Collection".
I would walk down to the beach every morning on my way to breakfast, hoping to see something like this. I'm up at the same time in Mexico as I am here. So I know that I'll be one of the first people at breakfast. And I can spend a little more time looking for a good photo opportunity or two.
Anxious to see what artwork will show up here.
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