R.O.A.D.R.A.S.H. to Hold Bowling Tournament to Help Laurel Cancer Patient
The club R.O.A.D.R.A.S.H. (Riders Of American Defenders Riding Against Soldier Hatred) is hosting a fundraiser for local cancer patient Tysen Baeskens and his family. Strikes Against Caner will be Saturday, March 28th at Sunset Bowl at 1625 Central Avenue. Registration is $100 per four person team and the deadline to register is Saturday, March 14th. The tournament gets underway at 1pm, with single elimination and a $400 cash prize for the winning team. All proceeds will go to help Tysen and his family. For more in formation about the tournament and registration, contact any R.O.A.D.R.A.S.H. member or go to their Facebook page.