There’s An App For That…But Mark Doesn’t Want It
I was going to spend some time complaining about the new public bathroom opening up downtown. But you can see what most folks think about it in Josh Rath's story on Cat Country's Facebook page. Feel free to comment if you read it.

Instead, I'm going to complain about apps for your phone. This ad says "Get the Arby's app and save 25% off your first order."
I don't have the Arby's app and I don't plan on getting it. So, because of that, I will always pay more for my lunch that those of you who have the app.
Unlike most of today's youth, I'm looking to spend less time looking at my phone, not opening up an app to save money on a roast beef sandwich.
From what I can tell, every time I'm in line at Mcdonald's, I'm not getting some free french fries because I don't have their app either.
With the Cat Country app, we do it differently. You'll get notifications about promotions. And you can also listen to the radio anywhere in the world that has internet.
In addition to not being much of an "app guy," I also don't pay for things with my phone. Bring me my bill and I'll pay with cash (if I've got enough on me). If not, I'll happily add to my yearly cash back from Costco by charging the purchase.
The one app that I do use is the one from Albertsons. It knows when you're out of coffee creamer and sometimes there's a five-dollar-off coupon.
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