Uh Oh, Another Toilet Drop
Even though we hate it...it's bound to happen. Dropping something in the toilet and the fear of retrieving it. Only this time, I didn't do the drop.
So there I was, working on the computer when I heard it yesterday. Out of nowhere came the yell followed by a few colorful words.
It was my wife, and no, she didn't do the drop either. However, she did make the discovery.
Our 1 1/2 year old daughter has been tossing the idea around of flushing things and she made her maiden voyage with this attempt.
It was the tv remote...and it couldn't quite make the curve.
My wife went to go to bed, couldn't find the remote for the bedroom and decided a quick bathroom break would be necessary. Fortunately she looked down before taking the plunge.
It's a good thing I have all the televisions programmed into my my phone remote app.
What have you flushed? 248-5665
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