2 More Schools Get Metal Detectors From The Flakes
Two more Montana schools have taken delivery of another tool for student safety thanks to The Breakfast Flakes from Cat Country 102.9.
Last week, Mark and Paul went in different directions for metal detector delivery. Ryegate would get a visit from Mr. Mushaben, while Custer welcomed Mr. Wilson.
Columbus was recently announced as the 8th Montana school district to receive a new metal detector donated by Billings' most listened to morning show.
"How better to serve your listeners than protect their children" commented Park Hook, Superintendent of Ryegate Public Schools.
The parents, staff and School Board all appreciate the generosity of Cat Country and the people that contribute to this program. The metal detectors are another layer of security and make our students and staff safer by discouraging those that would harm us. It is nice to have such great partners. Mark and Paul, thanks so much. -Dr. Perkins, Custer Public Schools
WATCH Mark and Paul deliver metal detectors to Lockwood Schools.
LISTEN to The Breakfast Flakes on Cat Country 102.9 WEEKDAYS from 5am to 10am.
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