Am I a ‘Creature of Habit’ or Just a Loyal Customer When I Eat Out in Billings?
Today I'm talking about eating local. I'm very much a creature of habit. Even if I have a bad experience at a restaurant, I'll still go back and try them one more time, especially if it's locally owned. The one exception is the restaurant where it took 10 of us 3 1/2 hours to eat. On top of most of the orders being wrong.
If you're not using Facebook to post pictures of your lunch and dinner specials, you are missing out on customers. I have changed my lunch choice destination many times when I saw a lunch special that really looked good.
Like I said earlier, I'm a creature of habit, so I tend to dine at the same few places. People always freak out when I tell them that I have never eaten at Bistro Enzo's. And the response is always "OMG! You have GOT to go there and try their ___ (I get a different favorite dish from every person that I've talked to about the place)!"
More places I've never eaten? Are you sitting down? Juliano's, The Marble Table, Walkers, Crazy Mary's Fish & Chips, and many, many more.
And it's not personal. It's just how I operate.
I only got pizza at 4 places. Two of them took 2 1/2 hours to deliver the order. Multiple times. Now I get pizza from TWO places. Godfather's and Ra Ra's. I've heard great things about several pizza joints on the west end and they won't deliver to me. And would have to make a 45-50 minute round trip. And my belief is that pizza is mostly geographical. People get pizza from places that they live close to.
So, locally owned restaurants, let's review: Have some sort of beef special then add a photo on social. See you soon.
PS. Sell beer.