Back in the Heyday: Free Concerts For the Flakes in Montana
I talked to somebody over the weekend that was amazed to find out that Paul and I don't get free concert tickets to every show that comes to town. But we used to.
Our first general manager felt that it was important those of us who were on air should get to go to the concerts and see the cats that we talk about. And also, I'm guessing with what they were paying us in those days, they felt like they had to give us something.
Generally, those concert tickets that we're giving away are from the promoter as part of the payment for their advertising bill. And those seats are always together in one block. So you'll be sitting next to coworkers. And that's fine until you find out that some of the people that are well-behaved at work are not always that way when they get a few beers in them.
So that, along with the fact that I want the best eats possible when I go to a concert. So early on I started buying my own.
And the timing was good because concert tickets were relatively cheap compared to what they cost these days. I heard somebody say that they paid 700 bucks to get the specific seats that they wanted when Morgan Wallen was in town. And that was before any "fees" were added.
But I've already ranted about those. And if you think that it's too expensive, then don't go. I even passed on seeing Paul McCartney in Spokane last year because a nosebleed ticket in the back of the arena was $300.