Billings, Does Your Workplace Breakroom Look Like This, Too?
That's probably the word that best describes break rooms all around the workplace. I went to get a glass of water this morning and I looked in our sink and saw all of these coffee cups stacked in there like people at our Mexico trip giveaway party last Saturday.
I thought to myself, how lazy can people be? I mean if you're going to put a cup in the sink fine, but at least have the common courtesy to dump the coffee out of it. All you have to do is tip it over and dump it out.
I know loading the dishwasher would be out of the question. Mark said that is women's work, anyway. HaHa (a majority here at our work are men). I think the refrigerator is also a display of what happens when "it's not my job".

So when you come up to Metra on Friday to volunteer for Flakesgiving, jump right in and start moving. Don't tell us "I'm not boxing, I'm doing gravy". It never fails that a couple of the biggest young men you have ever seen want to load the boxes with gravy or stuffing mix instead of lifting and stacking boxes.
Many of the girls take the challenge and immediately get in the truck to stack, that's my kind of gal. My girls were workers and still are, nothing was too tough for them.
So guys, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe, just maybe, you could at least empty the coffee out of your cup before you wait for someone else to load it.
Workers are all welcomed this Friday for Flakesgiving at 10, lower lot of Metra parking lot, and Saturday as well.
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
What It's Like at The Breakfast Flakes Mexico Trip Giveaway Party
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