Farmer Finishers: Election, Events, Camping
In Farmer Finishers this week, things are really starting to heat up in this election. The theme of joy and happiness at the convention this week was discussed this morning in our 5 o'clock hour. I went through all of the things over the last four years from the Biden/Harris team that have brought us all joy. I think you'll like it and could probably add some of your own.
There are a couple of big events this weekend you might want to check out. CRAVE at the Zoo, if you like fine food and fine spirits—plus, tickets are still available. The Jeep'N parade is tomorrow. Saturday night, it's the big Sprint car race at the BMP Speedway, which is always a hit. There’s also the big Food Truck Battle on Saturday out at the Armed Forces Center off Gabel. That starts at noon and runs until 7. Last year, they had 6,500 people there, so enjoy, raise money for vets, and vote for your favorite.
If you're camping this weekend, be aware that the fire danger is high as Tongue Reservoir is currently closed, but fear not—snow is predicted in some of the southwestern mountains, with 3 to 5 inches in some areas. You’ve got to love where we live. I do, and I'm full of joy because I finished the harvest for the year. Everybody in agriculture knows, though, it’s no time to rest—it’s on to the next project. I'll rest in January in Akumal with two of you lucky winners out there, so stay tuned.
We'll see you back here Monday at 5.
Here Is Where Most Montana Residents Were Born
Gallery Credit: Nick Northern