Friday Fragments – 4/19/19
- Got tested for allergies this week. I was allergic to 41 out of the 56 things they test for.
- Other allergies that they DIDN'T test for (but I know I'm allergic to): jewelry stores, fairways, and 10 pm.
- Sheryl Crow has got a new song out that she does with Johnny Cash.
- Montana is one of the very few states that taxes military retirement pensions? And your coverage can be denied if you earn too much money.
- We use a lot of light bulbs in our control room.
- On the serious side, a bunch of us went and said goodbye to a former coworker and longtime friend, Nancy. She was only 48, but that place was full of folks whose lives she touched in her time.
Funerals give us the chance to say our goodbyes and to get caught up with some of the mutual friends that you shared. Good to see many of you. Sad that it had to be because of a funeral.
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