If Mark Wilson Recorded an Album

First of all, I can't sing. I also can't play any instruments whatsoever, but sometimes wish I could.
My dad was a singer and could play bass, acoustic guitar, and trombone. He told me that he didn't ever want to make me learn any instrument. He said that I never asked about it, so I never got around to learning how to play. I did attempt to teach myself guitar in high school, but the only song I could pluck out was "What Can You Do With A Drunken Sailor"? I know. Sexy.
But, just for fun, if I could, I'd love to put out an album, what kind of songs would be on it?
Since we're not based in reality, we know that the first song I'd record would be some kind of duet with Sheryl Crow. There would also be one with Halle Berry. I don't know if she can even sing and quite frankly don't care.
I think that I'd probably do like Kenny Chesney does when he sings about beaches, rum, and pretty girls. I'd sing about pretty girls, golfing in Jamaica, and my new Lamborghinis. The latter I would be able to afford because this album is going to have a zillion downloads and streams.
And all of the songs would be recorded where this picture was taken. I was near Isla Muhares (Island Of Women) by Cancun.
We took a small group of Flakes Trippers out on a catamaran and just drank fruity drinks and sailed around in circles for several hours without a care in the world.
What other songs do you think I should cover? And what am I going to name the album?
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