Have You Won Any Contests in Billings? I Have Won A Few.
I'm sitting here this morning thinking about winning. More specifically, winning merchandise from radio and television stations. I grew up in a house where my dad was on the radio so I've seen and heard about people winning things for most of my life.
Fifty years ago, you could mostly win either an album, a hat/t-shirt with a radio station logo.
My grandmother was different. Although she won about a zillion ribbons at the state fair for everything from her strawberry jam to her flowers varieties. She also did contests on a national level.
In the mid-seventies, she won a contest with a jingle that she wrote for Shasta Cola. The grand prize consisted of all of the groceries that you could put in shopping carts in two minutes.
This was during a time when both sugar and beef prices had skyrocketed. So, she picked up plenty of both. Both of the local television stations covered it. Making my grandmother, Jane, the most famous person that I personally knew.
I'm trying to think about the stuff that I've won. My list has a lot of t-shirts on it. Some albums.
I made an eighty-foot putt one year at the Deaconess Classic and won a Big Mac a week for one year. I just had to have the manager sign my letter every time I went in to get my burger. Folks, at that time, that was a phenomenal prize for me.
I won half a beef one year that was probably half of a rhinoceros. It cooked up a little chewy.
I'm sure that I've lost more on poker machines than I've won in my lifetime.
From various golf tournaments, I can list golf bags, golf balls, golf umbrellas, golf clubs, rounds of golf, and a couple of steak dinners.
What contests have you won?