The Dumbest Billings News Article of the Year
Just admit it dude. No one will judge you. You can just admit that the Chick-Fil-A chicken is incredible.
Did you guys see this desperate-for-clicks article the Billings Gazette put out after the new Chick-Fil-A opened in Billings? They sent the "agnostic arts reporter" for the Gazette to cover the story.
This ended up being the dumbest Billings story I've seen all year- but it's only January, so you've still got time.
We all know what happened. It's so typical of the liberal media- their story is already written before they even show up for the event. No matter how good the chicken was, he will not admit it. Why? Well, he doesn't seem to like the fact that the owners of Chick-Fil-A are Christians.
I had to laugh about this story when I first saw it about a week ago. Here's the audio:
Update: I hit the gym Saturday afternoon before my trip to Helena, so I figured I would go take advantage of the sub-zero wind chill and snowy, icy roads to hopefully find a short line for the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches my entire family had been waiting several days to enjoy.
Unfortunately, the fine folks of Billings did not heed the warnings of the "agnostic arts reporter" at the Billings Gazette and there were still MASSIVE lines at the Chick-Fil-A. I went inside and got through in pretty decent time though. And, I had one of the chicken sandwiches as leftovers the next morning- AND IT WAS STILL INCREDIBLY GOOD.
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