There really is no good reason to watch the Presidential debate on Thursday. This is only the second time that two Presidents are running against each other. The point is, unless you were born between 2002-2006, you already voted for president before. You have the results of two different presidential terms in your head already. So you know: Was the world safer under Trump or Biden? Was the Middle East more stable under Trump or Biden? How about Russia, China, North Korea—are they a bigger threat now or four years ago? How is inflation affecting you now versus four years ago? What about the border—is it better now or was it better four years ago? How about interest rates or the availability of housing—better now or four years ago? Have energy prices had an impact on you? What about crime in your city—is it worse now or was it worse under Trump? How about the state of our military—were we better prepared and equipped then or now? Have your savings and investments grown more now or then? Do you feel safer flying or riding a train now versus four years ago? Was the budget better controlled then or now? Would you rather pay the Trump tax rates or want the Obama tax rates that will go back in April if Biden is President? What if one of them dies—whose Vice President would you feel more comfortable with? It comes down to this: Who is going to do a better job for you and your family, for the nation, and on the world stage? You've had four years of both men, and you should already know the answer.

See you tomorrow at 5.

5 Montana Towns That Don't Disappoint On The 4th Of July Celebrations

If it seems like it's harder to find genuine 4th of July fireworks displays, rodeos, parades, and celebrations - it's because it is. Several Montana towns, however, keep their Independence Day events on point and will not disappoint.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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